Use Game Editor to create a cross-platform game for GP2X F-200 and Windows Mobile

I am going to show an example of writing a cross-plaform game for GP2X/GP2X F-200 and Windows Mobile. I’ll test it out on a GP2X F-200, Palm Treo 750W and AT&T 8125 smartphone. It will also be playable on Windows and Linux, too.

goalie trials screenshot
goalie trials screenshot

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Instantiating an iReport Collection parameter from an Array in one line

While working with iReport, I wanted to test my report with a default Collection value for my Hibernate Query.

The HQL is something like this,

SELECT person.fullName as personName
FROM Person person
WHERE in ($P{people})

“Data” from Star Trek, by: JD Hancock

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Currently Reading: Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails

I have a project for Facebook which I’ve done a little work on. But, at this juncture I need to decide whether to proceed with Ruby or PHP. PHP is the sanctioned tool for Facebook – since they seem to have abandoned all other development tools. Ruby on Rails is the most beloved tool of the web. Every developer turns into a poet and philosopher after getting RoR on themselves.

developing facebook applications with rails
Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails

So, I got the beta PDF of Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails from Pragmatic Programmers. So far, the book is a pleasure to read.

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JUnit Testing JNDI Datasources: Thinking outside of the Container

When it comes to JNDI Datasources, you really need a fast way to test outside of the container without changing all of your configuration just because your testing.

java programming tipsOne of the problems with using a JNDI Datasource is Unit Testing outside of the container. Testing in the container is a pain and it’s slow if you are fixing bugs or just testing to make sure what you have works after a few changes. It’s OK for system tests.

Another option might be to have one set of configuration for the container and one for Unit Testing. An example might be to have two files controlled by your classpath or even worse, one file which you comment/uncomment to get the datasource you need. Then hope you package up the right configuration for the release.

What you really need a fast way to test outside of the container without changing all of your configuration just because your testing. Thankfully, spring provides a nice way to test your application outside of the container. Just bind your resource to a SimpleNamingContext mock and voila!
Continue reading “JUnit Testing JNDI Datasources: Thinking outside of the Container”